Russia-Africa Summit: Paul Biya Hails “Successful” Event, Eyes Firmer Ties

In a letter addressed to the Russian leader after the summit, the Head of State said the meeting was a moment for Russia and African countries to appreciate the state of their relations and to make them stronger

The Head of State, Paul Biya, has congratulated Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, on the successful hosting of the 2nd Russia-Africa summit, saying he hopes the discussions will set a veritable template for much stronger and diversified cooperation between Russia and African countries, particularly Cameroon.

In a letter sent to Putin after the summit dated July 30, Paul Biya said the St Petersburg meeting had a perfect organisation and was a moment for the countries involved to appreciate the cordial ties with Russia and to see how to ameliorate them for mutual gains.

“As I leave your great and beautiful country, I have the honour to address my warm congratulations for the perfect organisation of this event. My wife and I, as well as members of the delegation that accompanied me, particularly appreciated the warn welcome accorded to us and the kind attention which your government paid us throughout out our stay,” the Head of State told Putin.

According to President Biya, the summit was a moment for Russia and African countries to confirm how warm and solid their relations are, recalling the support which the former gave to some African countries at the time they were fighting for their sovereignty.

“The many partnership agreements signed during the summit are a testimony that Russia and Africa are determined to sincerely carry on with their relations for the benefit of our respective countries,” he noted.

“I am particularly happy with the bilateral discussions I had with you, which allowed us the opportunity to make a joint appraisal of the excellent state of bilateral relations that exist between our countries for the past 60 years,” the President wrote, adding that “Cameroon remains committed to its relations with Russia, with who it shares the ideals of peace, mutually beneficial cooperation and progress while respecting our particularities.”

The Head of State ended his letter on a note of hope, saying the summit will enable Moscow and Yaounde to further consolidate and diversify their relations, especially in the domains of “research and training, industrialisation, agricultural development, road infrastructure and electricity, as well as the fight against terrorism.”

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