Minister Nalova Lyonga visited marking centres in Buea and addressed teachers and markers as praiseworthy.
Nalova Lyonga Pauline, Minister of Secondary Education breezed in to Buea, capital of the South West Region, on July 2, 2019 to encourage the markers of this year’s General Certificate of Education Examination (GCE). The national exam which marking started last Saturday (29 June) after candidates had finished writing a week earlier entered the third day of marking on July 2.
Before moving to the marking centres, Minister Nalova Lyonga called for a moment of prayers at the GCE Board hall in memory of one Che William Neba, an examiner who collapsed and died at the GCE marking centre of BGS Molyko last Saturday and one other secretariat staff who passed away during this period. The situation that could dampen the morale of the teachers was so commended into the hands of the Almighty to renew the strength of the others to continue the work.
The Minister praised the teachers who have made this year a success in the educational domain despite the odds and threats of armed fighters. “Let us not let ourselves to be fooled around by those whose children are attending school in Europe but want ours to remain at home here in the country’. Nalova Lyonga told the education family in Buea. She said she had come to thank the teachers for their sacrifices and perseverance in giving Cameroonian children the education they deserve. The Minister used her presence in Buea to hint on some mouth-watering reforms that would henceforth tilt education towards technology and production in the models of China. The Minister held a session at the GCE Board hall where she addressed teachers and chief examiners of the GCE in the presence of South West Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai, the South West Regional Delegate of Secondary Education, Dr. Hannah Mbua, GCE Board Registrar, Dominic Dang Akuh, and various other authorities of the Region. Minister Nalova Lyonga debunked fabrications and rumours that some exams had leaked.” This was false and intended to destabilise us”, the Minister retorted. The Minister told the audience that President Paul Biya was very concerned with the education of children.
To give all who had lent a hand in preparing, processing and marking this year’s GCE a pad on the back the Minister visited the centres where the exam is being marked. The centres visited included the Bilingual Grammar School Molyko, Government Technical High School Molyko and the Government High School Bokwaongo. At each stop-over, Minister Nalova Lyonga said kind words to the teachers in marking halls calling them the light of the nation. The teachers expressed their recognition of the support from the Minister of Secondary Education through their warm applause in her presence.