Emergency Humanitarian Assistance: House Speaker Expresses Gratitude to Partners

Hon. Cavaye Yeguie Djibril closing the June 2019 ordinary session of the National Assembly

Hon. Cavaye Yeguie Djibril focused on the sociopolitical and security situation in Cameroon as he chaired the closing plenary sitting of the June session of Parliament yesterday

The Speaker of Cameroon’s National Assembly, Hon. Cavaye Yeguie Djibril on July 9, 2019 lauded the efforts of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute to ensure a better coordination of the operations for the improved management of the humanitarian aid destined to people affected by the socio-political crisis in the North West and South West Regions.

He spoke at the National Assembly in the presence of the Prime Minister while chairing the closing plenary sitting of the June 2019 ordinary session of the House. The House Speaker reminded the Prime Minister that the Emergency Humanitarian Assistance Plan estimated to cost FCFA 12.7 billion is the personal initiative of the Head of State, “ Hence, no mistakes will be tolerated.” To the Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji who is in charge of the effective coordination of the operations on the field, Hon Cavaye Yeguie Djibril said, “I urge you to insist on transparency and traceability of the operations from your collaborators involved in this exercise.” He expressed the delight of the National Assembly as to the fact that 75,000 persons have already benefited from the assistance. The House speaker equally expressed the gratitude of the National Assembly to Cameroon’s international partners for their solidarity and generosity.

He extended the thanks of MPs to several international delegations and missions that have been to the country of recent to get first hand information on the socio-political and security situation. The House Speaker said, “Our wish is that such visits should be multiplied and that reports thereof be as objective as possible.” Coming back to government efforts to solve the crisis, he saluted the fact that as at moment, 206 ex-fighters of Boko Haram terrorist sect and armed groups operating in the North West and South West Regions are already being taken care of by the National Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Committee.

Another main aspect highlighted by Hon. Cavaye Yeguie Djibril was the organisation of the first ever Budgetary Orientation Debate in the National Assembly during which the Minister of Finance presented the profile of the 2020 finance law to the MPs in respect of the Law of 11 July 2018 relating to the Fiscal Regime of the State. He equally used the occasion to condemn the anti-patriotic acts perpetrated in Switzerland a few days ago by a pseudo brigade called “anti-sardinards”. He praised the Swiss authorities who maintained order by dispersing the outlawed individuals who attempted to attack the hotel where the presidential coupled lodged during their private stay.

Started on June 10, 2019, the June ordinary session of the National Assembly was historic with seven bills adopted, four plenary sittings devoted to question time held and many extra-parliamentary activities organised.

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