Fight Against Electoral Corruption:CONAC Launches Campaign

Rev. Dr. Dieudonné Massi Gams launching the campaign in the fight against electoral corruption.

Dubbed “Road Show,” it will run from July 22 to August 4, 2019 with the objective of highlighting the role the population plays in the ballot box.

As part of measures in combating electoral corruption in the country, the Chairman of the National Anti- Corruption Commission (NACC), Rev. Dr. Dieudonné Massi Gams has launched a campaign exercise which will run from July 22 to August 4, 2019 across the national territory. He launched the innovative initiative during a press conference in Yaounde on July 11, 2019 which is equally the African Anti-Corruption Day. Launched in the presence of members of the diplomatic corps and other officials, the initiative dubbed “Road Show” will be organised under the theme “credible and law abiding elected representatives for a prosperous Cameroon.”

In his preliminary statement, Rev. Dr. Dieudonné Massi Gams frowned at electoral corruption, describing it as one of the worst forms of corruption. While making allusion to the regional, legislative and municipal elections that would be organised in Cameroon in the months ahead, the NACC Chairman said it is imperative for the population to be sensitised on electing credible and trustworthy persons who will work for the general good of the electorate. “The population has a great role to play, through the ballot box. That is why CONAC is organising a “Road Show” to mobilise voters to sanction corrupt candidates and endorse only people of integrity capable of working for the collective and wellbeing of the population. The “Road Show” will drive through the major roads of Cameroon, stopping in towns and villages to sensitise and mobilse the population to say no to corruption, and most especially electoral corruption,” he stated.

Rev. Dr. Dieudonné used the occasion to evoke other activities already taken by the outfit in the fights against corruption such as the institution of a toll-free number (1517) to report and denounce cases of corruption, affixing NACC placards on institutions, organising mobile caravans nationwide and organising on December 9, 2018 an interreligious service to amongst other things pray and reiterate the fight against corruption while soliciting the collaboration of the population. In his response as to what NACC has done in relation to electoral corruption especially in polling stations, the Chairman said his institution has received and treated corruption- related complaints, telling journalists they (NACC) are not a sanctioning body. Rev. Dr. Dieudonné Massi Gams reminded journalists that NACC always published an annual corruption perception index of the country on the previous year after in-depth investigations.

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