Emergence Path Traced In New Publication
- 07 juin 2021 17:20

The May issue of “Emerging Cameroon,” published by the Economy Ministry charts the way to 2035
The 66-page magazine, printed in colour recapitulates the different endeavours the State has engaged in its drive to get the nation to emergence when 2025 comes calling. Picturing sub Regional integration efforts, it highlights the FCFA 1.6 billion allocated for feasibility studies on the extension of the Cameroon-Chad railway line.
The document which has been published in the two official languages makes a quick review of the various projects the Ministerial Department highlighted earlier this year, when experts met to revise the public investment projects bank.
The reconstruction of the North West and South West Regions features prominently in the publication as it reports that Japan had assented to the Presidential plan to reconstruct the two Regions, a project technically backed by the United Nations Development Programme.
The steps leading up to the conception and inauguration of the National Development Strategy 2030 are concisely chronicled as the Economy Minister, in the editorial calls on all stakeholders to act promptly.
“NDS30 is therefore the expression of a renewed call for mobilizing the sons and daughters of our country, within the country and the diaspora, to work positively in favour of the drive towards Nation building, to which the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Biya, is inviting all his compatriots,” Minister AlamineOusmaneMey writes.
The document underpins the ability of current and yet to be activated strategies in bringing about an economic upturn in the country. It envisages increased employment opportunities as well as a double in efforts channelled into the fight against poverty.
This third edition sheds light on the plan to boost second generation agriculture, with a special focus on the transformative sector. It indicates that the Kekem cocoa transformation plant will come to the lime light. “The Neo Industry SA company is not only the new flagship of Cameroon’s industry, but also the torch bearer of public-private partnership which comforts Government in its strategic options for economic recovery,” the magazine holds.
It ends with a focus on the various sports infrastructure the nations would show to the continent and the world when it plays host to forthcoming Africa Cup of Nations.